How To Get Pregnant: 10 Steps Plan For A Healthy Baby
Pregnancy is an important aspect of life not only for a woman but also for the whole family. If you want to know how to get pregnant then here we have made a list of the important things which you should consider, if you are planning to get pregnant. Since a couple is responsible for a baby, so for a healthy baby there should a healthy couple. So if you are planning to get pregnant, please consider these important points.
How to get pregnant:
Here are the steps which are important for a healthy baby. A couple should do all these things for a healthy baby.
1. Boost your ovum quality:
A healthy ovum is the first step for a healthy baby because sperm contacts ovum, then it gets fertilized. Ovum takes 3-4 months to mature in the ovary. So for a healthy ovum, a woman should take Folic Acid supplements during this period. Herbal medicine such as Shatavari is a rich source of folic acid. Other foods, which are rich in anti-oxidant and contain the good amount of minerals and vitamins are the good choice for a healthy ovum.
2. Prepare your uterus:
After conception fetus is going to stay in uterus till delivery so your uterus should be strong enough to maintain pregnancy. Herbal medicines such as Indian gooseberry, Shatavari, Ashwagandha, Saraca asoca, Lodh Tree etc are medically proven for improvement of uterine muscles.
3. Visit your gynecologist:
It is always a good choice to visit a gynecologist to rule out any anatomical or physiological abnormality of a woman which can either interfere with fertility or continuation of pregnancy. Tubal blocks, Polycystic Ovarian disease, Hormonal Problem like hyperthyroidism, are some major issues which interfere with ovum production.
Your doctor may advise you to do an ultrasound to rule out of the uterine, tubal, or ovarian disease. Diabetes and hypertension are other two main problems which occur during pregnancy. Diabetes usually associates with ovarian disease and causes failure of ovulation. Hypertension does not directly interfere with fertility, but it may cause spontaneous abortion in first 3 months.
4. Male checkup:
It is not a female who gets pregnant; it is a couple which gets pregnant. Nowadays, Male Infertility is also very common due to excessive stress, improper diet, and lifestyle. Since sperm contacts with the ovum, so a healthy sperm is required for a healthy baby. The semen analysis will give you a clear look of your sperm quality. Sperm viability, motility, and structure of sperm are key points for the assessment.
5. Boost sperm quality:
If everything goes well with semen analysis checkup, it is always a good choice to improve the quality of sperms. Foods which are beneficial for the reproductive system should always be the first choice. Onion and garlic are two Indian spices which are known to enhance sexual desire and quality of sperms. Banana, Papaya, Mango are fruits which are full of antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. Adding these fruits in your diet will improve the quality of sperms. As sperms take 3 months to mature in man epididymis, it is ideal to take food supplement for at least 3 months.
6. Mental Tuning:
The mental health is also very important along with the physical health. The peaceful environment is ideal for future conception. So, it is always a good choice to practice yoga and meditation for your inner peace.
In every menstruation cycle female’s ovary oozes out healthy unfertilized egg or oocyte in correct terms. The lifespan of the female unfertilized egg is only 24 hours and lifespan of sperm in the female genital tract is only 48 hours. So the chance of being pregnant without any protection, during a month, is only for 3 days. If the sexual intercourse happens in these 3 days, then fertilization will happen.
- If you had sex one day prior to ovulation than sperm will wait for next day ovulation.
- Chances of being pregnant is maximum.
- If you had sex next day to ovulation than ovum will be present for fertilization.
Other than these three days, pregnancy cannot occur because ovulation happens only once between two menstruation cycles.
a) Ovulation cycle:
Menstruation cycle has 4 phase.
- Menstruation period:Â where uterus shades its lining, which comes in a mucus mix blood from the vagina.
- Proliferative phase:Â In this phase, uterus starts to proliferate and makes a healthy spongy bed for future pregnancy.
- Ovulation:Â In mid menstruation time, ovary oozes out ovum for future pregnancy.
- Luteal phase: If fertilization occurs then ovum will be implanted in the uterus, if doesn’t happen then ovum will shrink and uterus lining will also start to shrink.
b) How to know ovulation time:
1. Observation of your menstruation cycle:
Ovulation happens in mid-way of menstruation cycle. So, if we assume a female have 28 days of menstruation cycle and 1st day of the month is the first day of menstruation cycle then most probably she will ovulate on 14th-15th day of the month. But the menstruation cycle of the most of the females does not remain for 28 days in every cycle. It can change to 25 to 35 days but the timing of luteal phase always remains 14 days.
Let’s take an example. If every time your period comes 2-3 days earlier then you have menstruation cycle of 25 days, so if you have the 1st day of the month as your 1st day of the period. The luteal phase is always 14 days, 25-14=11 than the 11th day of the month is your ovulation day.
Second, if you notice your period comes 4-5 days after your previous month’s menstruation date than you have 35 days of the cycle. Then in this case, if 1st day of the month is the first day of the period, then most probably 35-14=21, the 20th-21th day of the month is most likely your ovulation time.
 2. Observation of vaginal discharge:
Ovulation happens in response to the increased amount of female hormones. These hormones cause thick white discharge. Some female can experience mild spotting or brown dischargeat the time of ovulation.
3. Rise in temperature:
Normal temperature of human body is 97.5 F but ovulation causes 0.5 F rise in body temperature.
4. Pain in the abdomen:
Ovulation can cause mild but prickly pain in one side of the abdomen. This pain is sudden and may last only about 30-40 min time. This pain is always on one side and changes its side in every cycle.
5. Cervix position:
on the day of ovulation, the cervix is dilated to make smooth entry of sperm. It is soft and moist. When we touch it with the finger it feels like the lower lip.
8. Sex position for pregnancy:
No specific sex position is required for getting pregnant. But the deep penetration of penis can help forceful and direct entry of sperm into deep in vagina or uterus. Vaginal ph and pathogen in vagina kill about 30-35% of sperm in vagina itself. Deep penetration can save these sperms and can increases chances of pregnancy about 30%. Normal missionary position is an ideal position for sex and pregnancy. But in this position vagina is longest and tight.
Placing a soft pillow behind your pelvic region will shorten your vaginal length and make a positive gravitational force for entry of sperm. If female put her legs on the shoulder or pelvic area of man, this will make vagina tilted backward. It will also cause some more positive effect on chances of pregnancy.
9. What you should do or don’t do after sex:
- Lying down for about ½-1 hr: It is always more beneficial than standing or sitting after sex. The concept behind it is gravitational force. Sperms will more likely to travel into the uterus in lying down position.
- Don’t take hot shower or lye down in the bathtub: Sperms cannot survive in the hot vagina. Hot water will kill 60-70% of sperms.
- Don’t apply any lubricant before sex: Because most of the vaginallubricants have spermicidal properties.
How much time it takes to get pregnant:
There is no time rule for being pregnant. Nobody can predict future conception. Some females get pregnant within 1-2 months. If you are not one of them that does not mean you have infertility. According to medical science “regular and without contraception sex for the duration of 1 year will lead towards pregnancy”. If it is more than 1 year without conception, then it requires some medical attention.
Congratulations on your decision to have a child! There are many important things to consider when trying to get pregnant, and we hope that our list has helped you. By following these 10 steps, you will give yourself the best chance possible of having a healthy baby. If you have any questions or concerns, please consult with your doctor. Wishing you the best of luck in your journey to parenthood!
Above article is only for knowledge purpose. Please contact your healthcare provider before using any of above medicine or method. For any query or personal consultation according to your health condition please contact your doctor.